Grove Beginner Kit - serial I/O

I would like to use the Grove UART connector for serial Rx and Tx on the Grove beginner kit. How do I disable the CP2102 UART to USB chip, so that the connection to the Arduino Rx line is not being controlled by the output from the CP2102 through the 3.3V to 5V level translator?


You shouldn’t be able to do that.There is no interface to control on the hardware.

Hi @Baozhu

So why does the kit have a Grove connector for the UART? is there a designer watching this forum who can explain - it will obviously be a problem area for some ‘beginners’!


Looking at the circuit, I can see that the TX o/p from the ATmega processor is OK to read at the Grove connector - 5V signals. But you can’t send data to the ATmega RX pin at the Grove connector, since there doesn’t appear to be any way to tristate the o/p from the CP2102. It might be possible if the series resistor from the CP2102 TX data pin is increased from 100 ohm to a few Kohm. I’m not sure why there are pull-ups to 3V3 via 10Kohm on the TXD and RXD pins of the CP2102 (after the 100 ohm series resistors), but they would need changing if the series resistor is increased, else data low might be too high on the TXD line.
