Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino: GitHub repository?

The code of the OOTB demo for the Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino can be downloaded from Initial Arduino Firmware Demo.

The display of the accelerometer doesn’t match the movements of the board.

This can be easily fixed by changing the lines 347 et sq.

void Acele_show()
  float ax, ay, az;
  ax = accelemeter.getAccelerationX();
  ay = accelemeter.getAccelerationY();
  az = accelemeter.getAccelerationZ();


void Acele_show()
  float ax, ay, az;
  ay = accelemeter.getAccelerationX();
  ax = -accelemeter.getAccelerationY();
  az = accelemeter.getAccelerationZ();

I’m ready for a pull request, but is there a GitHub repository? Thank you!

There is no repo for this but will make the changes :smiley: