Did you follow the example in the Wiki?
In addition, can you provide the data you got and the actual temperature data from the thermometer? It helps me a lot to help you figure out the problem.
btw,The sensor is not necessarily sent to you as soon as it is produced, so it may have been placed in the warehouse for a long time, so it is not excluded that there is an aging problem. If this is the reason, you can contact the after-sales service for repair and refund
Thank you for your reply! I connected it to a Raspberry PI using the I2C interface and not to an Arduino. The Raspberry detects it fine on the bus with the expected address. The two linked drivers are able to read/write bytes and perform the calculations as described in the BME280 data sheet.
Unfortunately, the values are way off.
I belive I did include as much as I could; please let me know what else I could include
Calculated Temperature: 74.67C
I have not - as far as I can tell it is for a different sensor? Grove - Temp&Humi&Barometer Sensor (BME280) is based on the Bosch BME280 and the library is for HopeRF HP206C. Unless I am misunderstanding something.