Hi Seeed,
The library provided with the Grove Air Quality Sensor uses times that are not available on the Leonardo or Yun. Can you please advise me how to convert this library to work with these two cards, or point me to a better one?
Your example code gives these errors:
/.../Source/Arduino 1.5.6-rc2/libraries/AirQuality_Sensor/AirQuality.cpp: In member function 'void AirQuality::init(int)':
/.../Source/Arduino 1.5.6-rc2/libraries/AirQuality_Sensor/AirQuality.cpp:80: error: 'TCCR2A' was not declared in this scope
/.../Source/Arduino 1.5.6-rc2/libraries/AirQuality_Sensor/AirQuality.cpp:81: error: 'TCCR2B' was not declared in this scope
Here is the latest example code as of 21 February 2013:
AirQuality Demo V1.0.
connect to A1 to start testing. it will needs about 20s to start
By: http://www.seeedstudio.com
AirQuality airqualitysensor;
int current_quality =-1;
void setup()
void loop()
if (current_quality >= 0)// if a valid data returned.
if (current_quality==0)
Serial.println(“High pollution! Force signal active”);
else if (current_quality==1)
Serial.println(“High pollution!”);
else if (current_quality==2)
Serial.println(“Low pollution!”);
else if (current_quality ==3)
Serial.println(“Fresh air”);
if(airqualitysensor.counter==122)//set 2 seconds as a detected duty
{airqualitysensor.last_vol=airqualitysensor.first_vol; airqualitysensor.first_vol=analogRead(A0); airqualitysensor.counter=0; airqualitysensor.timer_index=1; PORTB=PORTB^0x20;