Grove AI Hat - performance increase of two HD Cameras on Pi 4

Hi, I’ve a project on Raspberry Pi which is pushing the limits of the Pi compute 4 module. The basics flow of data is that I need to capture two 1080 30p video streams simultaneously, combine them to one wide video side by side, analysis with a simple detection algorithm, and if “the test is positive” write the video stream to SSD, the bitrate can be low. Do you think the Grove AI Hat could assist this? Would I need to do much reworking?

Hi @visualpersist:
I would say, it is very difficult for raspberry to do this.and there exists jetson nano maybe can help you in our bazaar.

Thanks Hansen,
The algorithm is written in java… so Jetson Nano is a challenge I believe.
Do you know of any other compute modules which may work?

Hi @visualpersist
Sorry, I have no idea for now. this Github maybe can help you.