just connected a BMP280 module and the 4-Digit-Display to the microbit to read and show the temperature values (along with the barometric pressure). When putting the BMP280 module outdoor during wintertime (as it is now) I found that it won’t show negative numbers like “-2” as for -2°C.
I have checked this on the Calliope mini as well and indeed here too: no negative numbers were shown.
I wonder because a seven segement display can show a minus sign “-” without problems. If this is true I would expect that this should be mentioned in the advertisement or the specifications.
here is a small test programm for the Calliope mini; the -1 number is shown on the 5x5 matrix of the Calliope but not on the 4-Digit-Display.
</s>let anzeige: grove.TM1637 = null
anzeige = grove.createDisplay(DigitalPin.C16, DigitalPin.C17)
basic.forever(() => {
Did you found the solution?
I am using the same display with an arduino and have come up against the same issue.
If no one has a solution can the product spec be changed to reflect this?