Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader tag

Hi, I bought Grove - 125KHz RFID Readers but I cannot read Mifare tags. is this player compatible with these tags?

We haven’t tested it.If the parameters match, they should be compatible.

Hi @Baozhu, I would like to connect the Grove - 125KHz RFID shield to the Wio Terminal, I made a level adaptation to connect the serial and with the example of connection with softserial everything works normally. Now I would like to create a Sketch with the wiegand protocol and the interrupts as per Dome RFID_Wiegand_INT. however, not knowing which pins accept interrupts, the example sketch does not work. I tried to use digitalPinToInterrupt by defining it on D2 and D3 “attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (2), ISRreceiveData0, FALLING);” but even this did not give a positive result. Can you help me solve this problem?
Thank you

Hi Baozhu, in addition to the previous message I wanted to tell you that I have also tried the code on Arduino Uno and even here the code does not seem to work.

It looks really incompatible.

Hi @Baozhu, you didn’t give me an answer regarding interrupts. How can you use interrupts on WioTerminal? Is it possible to use the digitalPinToInterrupt function on Wio Terminal?
I wait for your instructions.
Thank you

@Gianfry60 This is a example.

Hi @Baozhu, I was able to get the Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader Wiegand protocol to work with the Wio Terminal.
I am attaching the code I used starting from your example.
I hope it will be useful.

[details=Click to see the code]

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

byte RFIDcardNum[4];

byte evenBit = 0;

byte oddBit = 0;

byte isData0Low = 0;

byte isData1Low = 0;

int recvBitCount = 0;

byte isCardReadOver = 0;

long rfidValue = 0; //rfidValue: used to store the value obtained from the RFID tag

long BufrfidValue = 0;

byte isCardRead = 0;

unsigned long lastDebounceCardRead = 0;

unsigned long debounceDelayCardRead = 10000;

SoftwareSerial rfid(3, 2);    // RX Yellow,TX White

boolean waitingForKey = true; //waitingForKey: is used to identify if we are still waiting for a person to present a valid key or not

void Buzzer(int frq)


  analogWrite(WIO_BUZZER, 128);


  analogWrite(WIO_BUZZER, 0);


boolean checkCard()


  waitingForKey = true;

  switch (rfidValue)


  case 4450306: //Person #1 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 628.


    waitingForKey = false; //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds).


  case 4386916: //Person #2 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 651.


    waitingForKey = false; //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds).


  case 694: //Person #3 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 694.


    waitingForKey = false; //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds).


  case 658: //Person #4 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 658.


    waitingForKey = false; //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds).


  case 677: //Person #5 has a Tag that generates an rfidValue of 677.


    waitingForKey = false; //setting the "waitingForKey" variable to FALSE - will allow us to break out of the while loop (instead of waiting for a full 10 seconds).



    waitingForKey = true; //If a person has not been identified, keep waiting for the key/tag until the times runs out.



  if (waitingForKey)


    return false;




    return true;



void setup()




  rfid.begin(9600); // the SoftSerial baud rate

  while (!Serial)

    ; // wait for serial port to connect

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), ISRreceiveData0, FALLING); //data0/tx is connected to pin 2, which results in INT 0

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(3), ISRreceiveData1, FALLING); //data1/rx is connected to pin 3, which results in INT 1

  Serial.println("Boot W");

  lastDebounceCardRead = millis();


void loop()


  //read card number bit

  if (isData0Low || isData1Low)


    // Serial.println("read card number bit");

    if (1 == recvBitCount)

    { //even bit

      evenBit = (1 - isData0Low) & isData1Low;


    else if (recvBitCount >= 26)

    { //odd bit

      oddBit = (1 - isData0Low) & isData1Low;

      isCardReadOver = 1;





      //only if isData1Low = 1, card bit could be 1

      RFIDcardNum[2 - (recvBitCount - 2) / 8] |= (isData1Low << (7 - (recvBitCount - 2) % 8));


    //reset data0 and data1

    isData0Low = 0;

    isData1Low = 0;


  //print the card id number

  if (isCardReadOver)


    if (checkParity())



      // Serial.print(RFIDcardNum[2], HEX);   //High byte

      // Serial.print(RFIDcardNum[1], HEX);   //Midle byte

      // Serial.println(RFIDcardNum[0], HEX); //Low byte

      rfidValue = (*((long *)RFIDcardNum));

      if (BufrfidValue != rfidValue)


        isCardRead = 1;

        BufrfidValue = rfidValue;




        isCardRead = 0;

        BufrfidValue = rfidValue;




    if ((millis() - lastDebounceCardRead > debounceDelayCardRead))


      lastDebounceCardRead = millis();

      BufrfidValue = 0;



    if (isCardRead)


      if (checkCard())


        //TRUE = Person Identified within 10 seconds

        Serial.println("Authorized Card");




        Serial.println("Unauthorized Card");








byte checkParity()


  int i = 0;

  int evenCount = 0;

  int oddCount = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


    if (RFIDcardNum[2] & (0x80 >> i))





  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)


    if (RFIDcardNum[1] & (0x80 >> i))





  for (i = 4; i < 8; i++)


    if (RFIDcardNum[1] & (0x80 >> i))





  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)


    if (RFIDcardNum[0] & (0x80 >> i))





  if (evenCount % 2 == evenBit && oddCount % 2 != oddBit)


    return 1;




    return 0;



void resetData()


  RFIDcardNum[0] = 0;

  RFIDcardNum[1] = 0;

  RFIDcardNum[2] = 0;

  RFIDcardNum[3] = 0;

  evenBit = 0;

  oddBit = 0;

  recvBitCount = 0;

  isData0Low = 0;

  isData1Low = 0;

  isCardReadOver = 0;


// handle interrupt0

void ISRreceiveData0()


  //Serial.println("RicevoData da 0");


  isData0Low = 1;


// handle interrupt1

void ISRreceiveData1()


  //Serial.println("RicevoData da 1");


  isData1Low = 1;



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