Grove-125 kHz cannot read card


I wasn’t successful in reading an Hid Proxcard with the Grove 125 kHz.

Is there a more detailed list of tags supported by the reader ? Is it possible to know what’s inside the microcontroller of the module ? Also, the module has an RX line (host => module), but no commands are documented ?


which model of Hid Proxcard you used? is that the same frequency of Grove RFID Reader?

Is it possible to read 125khz hitag chips/cards with that type of reader? I tried to figure it out, but i can only read the standard EM 4100 tags and the hitag tags don’t even send anything.

Is there any encrypted information in hitag tags? If there is, it won’t be read.@DerSep

Yes it might be encripted in manchester code. So it does not just read the 1 and 0 in 125kHz? So it is reading them and modulates it?

If it’s encrypted, you can’t just read it, you need a specific card reader.