Hi All:
I’m looking for ANY sample code/projects that utilize some of the more complex Grove modules (for example: Grove LED Bar, Grove Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, etc) that utilize Grove modules with an STM32 board (preferable the STM32F4 series boards).
I’ve already successfully created some projects with Grove modules & my STM32F411RE board:
- Grove Base Shield mated to the STM32F411RE with the Red/Green/Blue LED Button Modules
- Grove Base Shield mated to the STM32F411RE with the Std Button module & Std LED Module
- Grove Base Shield mated to the STM32F411RE with the Mini PIR Motion Sensor
…and a few others but I’m looking for some sample code/project that utilizes one, or more, of the more complex Grove Modules that specifically require header files (.h). All of the above projects utilized Grove modules that did not require any header (.h) files.
I’d appreciate if anybody could point me in the right direction.