Greetings, I have been unable to communicate with my newly purchased gprs shield. It is mounted to an Arduino Mega 2560 board. I have connected pins 7,8 to 10,11, and also specify pins 10,11 in my code. I have tried it on two of the same Arduino Megas, and have tried just about every possible baud rate. On power up I get a string of 255’s. I get no response on hyperterminal nor on sscom32, trying to set the baud rate or just a simple ok from AT command. The flashing green led flashes at 1 second intervals (sometimes at 3 second intervals, I assume indicating network connection).
I have seen the same problems in this forum, but no solution seems to work for me. I don’t think I can update the firmware due to the mega 2560 not having an FTDI(?) chip.
Thanks for any help…