Hey, cheers for an excellent shield.
While studying the datasheet I noticed that the SIM900 chip has i2C and display pins. Can you confirm, that they are not accessible on this shield ?
Hey, cheers for an excellent shield.
While studying the datasheet I noticed that the SIM900 chip has i2C and display pins. Can you confirm, that they are not accessible on this shield ?
no, they are not accessible in the version 1.0. and we are designing the the new version now in which the i2c/display are available
Thanks for purchasing our product. The i2C and display pins of SIM900 are not accessible.
I saw LCD interface requires custom firmware, but i2c pins are 37:SDA and 38:SCL that can do 400Kbps … any more info about it?
I want load a png and display it, I made all the code but using AT commands and 115200 that taking a very long time to finish…