GPRS module, serial 3.3v ?


I got the GPRS arduino shield, I know that it was created to be used with an arduino or seeduino, anyway I found this device (GPRS module) pretty useful for my project; however I’m using a FPGA board instead arduino and I would like to know if may I connect my FPGA directly to the GPRS Module; all my FPGA ports work with 3.3v i do not if it is a risk to connect directly, any advice?
on the other hand I think would be better to have a datasheet about the GPRS board itself, I mean all is focused in arduino & seeduino microcontroller; maybe would be better to find useful this module with several digital devices.

Thank you, I’ll appreciate your advice


Hi there,

Here are some datasheet you can view and hope can help you.
SIM900_ATC_V1 00.pdf (1.42 MB)
SIM900 SPEC.pdf (116 KB)

and (1.89 MB)

SIM900-EVB_UGD_V1.01.pdf (787 KB)
SIM900_SIM300_ATC_Comparison_V1.00.pdf (862 KB)

SIM900-TE PCB Layout & Schematic for Reference V1.02.pdf (498 KB)