I have bought Jetson xavier nx developer kit from this website. The carrier board seems to be customized as the jetson I received has no SD slot but still it is a developer kit.
The Jetson.GPIO gives warning:
WARNING: Carrier board is not from a Jetson Development Kit.
WARNING: Jetson.GPIO library has not been verified with this carrier board
WARNING: and in fact is unlikely to work correctly.
The ids of the board is:
>> ls /proc/device-tree/chosen/plugin-manager/ids
3668-0001-300 name XXXX-XXXX-XXX
The content of 3668-0001-300 is:
and of XXXX-XXXX-XXX is:
The content of the compatible of the device-tree reads as follows:
>> cat /proc/device-tree/compatible
I believe the ids of the board should have been:
>> ls /proc/device-tree/chosen/plugin-manager/ids
3668-0000-300 name 3509-0000-100
The Jetpack version is the latest: v4.6
and Jetson.GPIO version is also the latest.
What do you recommend me to do? How to solve this warning?
Many thanks in advance.