GoPiGo Base Kit for Seeed Rangers

Dear Seeed Rangers,

We have some GoPiGo Base Kits to give away. If you’d like to use it to build certain projects or to teach a workshop at a local community, welcome to apply for the kits by replying to this post. Let us know what you’d need it for, and how many.


[attachment=0]GoPiGo 2.jpg[/attachment]

I teach electronics and programming at the University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh. I am the convener of Robotics & Project Club of EEE Department. We arrange different workshop time to time for our student. I you sent a few It will help me to arrange a workshop on robotics among the students. If I got the kit should I return these after the workshop? If yes then who will bear the charges?

Dear Md. Khairul,

Glad to know that you’d like to use the products to teach students about robotics. May I know how many you’d need for a workshop? And you do not have to return the kit, but we’d suggest that you reuse the kits in different workshops :slight_smile:

For 20 students workshop I think 5 kits are required. One kit for each group of 4 students. What do you think? Let me know your thoughts.

Yes! I will PM you to confirm your shipping info & arrange for the shipment asap. :slight_smile:


I am a B tech student from India. I do take and host various workshops and hackathons to college students and developers. I would love to take workshops with the GOPiGo Base Kit.

I will apply for some too…

last year we (my company) got PHPoC Learning Center Award, for teach PHPoC officially and they send us 20 boards.

(You can check in page our company Jaguar Soft from Peru)

I’m planning for this year open an IoT Lab, a space where people can go to test new iot and electronic boards or components. I usually buy new products released (or back them in Kickstarter), sometimes I win prizes in Hackster or Devpost contests to or got products for test and review.

I would like include GoPiGo in our Catalogue, and if you have new released products too, I can promote that. I usually attend to IoT and Hardware events (like congress, startup weekends, hackathons) as speaker or menthor, I will be very gratefull to share your products with the local community.

I deliver sessions on a monthly basis related to IoT, AI and ML. I’d like to get 2 GoPiGo Base Kits, one would be for a personal project I’m working on, happy to share the details for the same via Private messages and one for delivering sessions.

Hi Laurence,

Happy to know that you are interested in this product. Would love to know about your current collections as well. Could you please email me your postal info (address, zip code and phone number)? And I will arrange for the shipment.

Hi Rishabh,

Could you please email me to share more info about the personal project you mentioned here? Also, for the delivering sessions, may I know who are the participants/ audiences? Thank you very much!

Hi Violet ,

Sorry for the late replay . Is that kit still avilable ? if yes , please send me four kits.

In October 2021 I booked order 4000086204 and you claim to ship it via RU833237151NL in November. I havent received it. Why the hell do you send me links that say i have received it? In October 2021 I booked order 4000086204 and you claim to ship it via RU833237151NL in November. I havent received it. Why the hell do you send me links that say i have received it?