Fusion PCB is incompatible with eagle 7.2

Dear Seeed Staff,
I’m using the latest version of Eagle (7.2).

I use the two layer cam processor file you provide (seeedstudio.com/document/rar … -layer.zip) to generate my gerber files and then upload them to your Fusion PCB submission page. The website does not process my submission properly. The PCB board dimensions do not show up and the web-based gerber viewer does not work.

However, if I switch to the previous version of Eagle (7.1), everything works fine.

Please update your cam processor or your PCB submission & processing system to be compatible with the current Eagle version (7.2).


hi there,
I have checked it , and everything is going on, could you submit some pictures about it, then i will check it again

What was the resolution with this? I’m having the same issue. – Andrew

I can confirm this, just get eagle 7.1 from the official ftp here:

I would wonder if this is a metric - imperial problem. Eagle added metric gerbers to 7.2 but they should be under different names. Something to consider.

I had a similar problem with 7.4.0, and according to an Element14 forum post (unable to post the link because I am a new user and the server thinks my post is too “spamy”), it’s something to do with

This fix worked for me:

Or, at least, the PCB looked OK on the Seeed Gerber Viewer, I’ll know when I get the PCBs if it was actually right :laughing: