Free Shipping from China?

Free Shipping from China?

Anybody have problems getting the free shipping from China for orders greater than $150 USD?

Hi there,


If it’s free it’s for ME!
GL :slight_smile: PJ :+1:

last time i just went with the shipping and they gave me a $30 cupon which expired before i needed a new haul… not doing that again…

Hi there,

I’m hopeful this year comming they Bulk up the USA whearhouse… Shipping is often a deal breaker on some projects, Sometimes as much as the merch… NO, No NO…thank you! :smile:
I don’t buy in Quantity, just for building prototypes and proof of concepts for clients so every .05 cents matters when your rolling the dice on them liking the concept, then paying for the prototype. it all adds up!

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

yes… i have been trying to tell kevin this … he is a buisy man i hope he gets paid well

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Oh so answer… Only seeed branded products get the free shipping… Name Brand products, like Arduino and Raspberry Pi are not elegable to count toward the free shipping!.. Nice to know

Hi there,
So I wonder about that for things like the Jetson OrinNano Super Dev kit @ $249 the FOMO is KILLING me… LOL :woozy_face: I want one of these BAD! Got to FIX a Generator this week and the job I quoted was $300 so It’s gone already! :star_struck:I see it’s back ordered. It’s NOT a Seeed Original, (I wouldn’t buy one of those, just not up to it IMO & not Open source) The carrier boards are not all created equal. I think it was Brilliant of the nvidia ceo to come out with this “Super” , what a hook he’s gonna get the rest of the world on their AI train that way for sure. $250 WOW. they already had over a million sold of the first dev kit. Nvidia is the SHazizzle as Snoop would say! in the AI space PERIOD! the copies are never as good as the originals. Funny they say “reference Design” Cracks me UP ,what the heck does that mean anyway, nothing is reference if it’s not the same as the original. You make one change and now the Images that are out there NO longer work, so upgrades fail and stuff breaks and its a PITA to support. meanwhile This is the only platform to get started with imo, the drop in and build on stuff available is amazing , local Alexa or hay google likeand with ability to train with your own data set to make it a specialist in UNDERwater basket weaving even. :grin: :v: Seriously though if a person Doesn’t know AI from AL then this is where you start and it only costs you $250 PLUS shipping LOL to get started.

within the day you’ll be loading your model… and in another half a day you’ll be speaking to it and it to You. The Gemma2 SLM with 27 Billion parameter sizes. This Hardware is finally up to the task of local LLM (forget the toys…pie’s,corals,panda’s etc) Quit goofing around I’m thinking and wasting time and money, anything under 30-40 TOPS your waxing your carrot :smile: :ok_hand:

more on that later…
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

and let me add it’s only 25 watts of power too!

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Well I abandoned to New Years Haul… becase everything I had on the list is now out of stock… what da?

Normally, orders shipped from CN warehouses over $150 can be shipped free. You can check whether the products in your shopping cart are on the non-free shipping list according to this blog.


Hey Rachel! Welcome Nice to see you!


:blush:Nice to meet you! Looks like you’re planning to buy quite a few things! :shopping:We’re also working on restocking some of our hot-selling products, like the XIAO 3pcs series, reCamera, and the recently popular Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition. If it’s helpful, I can check the reasons those items are out of stock and let you know when they’ll be back!

Its a co-create… i assume it was made in a small batch!

You’re absolutely right! I just got word that it’s expected to be available as early as January, and you can reserve them on the website!


Hello any word on this? i ordered back in mid december and i still haven’t gotten it, not shipped even.

any plan on giving an update?