Flashing A603 with NVMe, waiting for target to boot up, times out

I have an A603 with a Jetson Orin Nano, and there is an NVMe drive in the slot on the underside of the board. I’m trying to flash the boot drive but I’m running into problems. I’m trying to flash 5.1.1 from an Ubuntu 18.04 system.

The programming gets most of the way through then reaches a point where it seems to be waiting for the Jetson to boot up, but this never happens.

The flash scripts end with this:

[   0.2527 ] tegrarcm_v2 --instance 1-1 --chip 0x23 0 --pollbl --download bct_mem mem_rcm_sigheader.bct.encrypt --download blob blob.bin
[   0.2539 ] BL: version last_boot_error: 0
[   0.3302 ] Sending bct_mem
[   0.3305 ] Sending blob
[   5.3669 ] RCM-boot started

*                                     *
*  Step 3: Start the flashing process *
*                                     *
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Unknown device, absolute path in /dev/ or /sys expected.
Waiting for target to boot-up...
Cleaning up...

Before programing, lsusb showed the APX device (Bus 001 Device 022: ID 0955:7523 NVidia Corp.). But after, the device never reappears. Also, there’s no signal from the Jetson’s HDMI port, and if I disconnect the forced-recovery jumper and power-cycle, it doesn’t boot up.

Also after the timeout, I also tried connecting the USB cable to another computer, but it also doesn’t recognize a device being plugged in. So it times out because the Jetson doesn’t come back up after this phase of setup and stays dead.

How do I fix this?

Hi there,
So it’s been on here before, this NVME issue. Check the threads for more in depth but 2 possibilities
1 is flash it in an external USB to NVME drive case, What temps is it getting hot to the touch on heatsink?
One guy ran a fan on it or hairdryer on Cool to get it to go.
I never saw so many issues with updating these things that folks are having. search the threads you find some additional possibilities to a fix. Even the version of Ubuntu makes a dif.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Where did you get your Jetson Orin Nano from, the official kit? You need to make sure you don’t hook up any peripherals to your A603 board other than the SSD.

Please note that to flash JP5.1.1 you need an x86 host with Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04. You cannot use a Ubuntu with ARM architecture or virtual machine.

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The Nano is from Nvidia. And it’s the kind without the microSD slot on it. I’m using Ubuntu 18.04. I tried 20.04 before, but that doesn’t work. I’m definitely on x86. (Honestly, the number of restrictions on this are pretty absurd. But I think I’m meeting them all.)

The problem I’m having seems to be on the Jetson side. The flashing scripts are finding the Jetson and seem to be programming it, but there’s this point where the Jetson is instructed to reboot. At this point, the fan comes on, but the Jetson never comes back up, and it times out. When it’s in this state, lsusb shows no device on the port, and I’ve tried plugging it into another computer, and it also doesn’t find a device. If I power cycle, then the APX device reappears.

Yeah, the heat sink is getting hot. Is that making the NVMe drive fail?

I’ve done a lot of searching. For the issue I’m having, I’ve found lots of threads, and I’ve tried some of the suggestions, but none have worked for me. I’ll try the hair dryer. Thanks!

Well, I tried the hair dryer trick. Blowing hard on the cool setting

It didn’t help.

Any other ideas?

Is there a way to escalate this with Seeed? Honestly, we can’t buy this product if we can’t get them to work. I’m not doing this for a hobby.

I figured out that I’d been neglecting to disconnect the forced-recovery jumper after booting up.

But making sure to do that didn’t have any effect. The Jetson never comes back.

If I’m understanding correctly, the Jetson is supposed to come back as a network device. But no new network device appears.

Do you have another Orin Nano module? Maybe you can use the other modules to troubleshoot the A603 carrier board

I have a whole other set of parts that I’m going to assemble, and I’ll see how that goes. Unopened Jetson, A603, and NVMe. If it goes okay, I will consider systematically swapping parts to identify which one is bad, but this would be a huge time sink. More likely, I will get an NVMe-to-USB adapter and just clone the working drive.

Honestly this just exposes how brittle and user-unfriendly these tools are, more than anything else. The whole process should be performing more checks, provide more insight into what’s going on, perform more automatic troubleshooting, and there shouldn’t be so many points of failure. The tools should work across more versions of Linux (and other host platforms), they should work in VMs, they should be better about telling you which dependencies are missing, etc. Considering the vast number of complains I see here and in Nvidia’s forums, whoever developed these seriously dropped the ball.

I’ve heard rumors that AMD is developing a competing product. Perhaps this will light a fire under Nvidia and get them to develop a better product. I can’t begin to tell you just how many problems there are even with fully-working Jetsons. Want a GPIO to connect to something a meter away? Have to use an amplifier in between. Want to toggle a GPIO faster than 60KHz? Not possible. Want to consistently perform SPI transactions more often than every 22ms? Again, not possible.

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Hi there,
Well I couldn’t agree more, Not to mention the Vapor ware that is the RPi 5 LOL
what a scam, putting lipstick on a PIG is still a PIG. I don’t waste my time to use that for AI.
You need more HATs , More RAM, MORE power supply. “Cha_ching” Then add things like shortages and an OS that’s older than Snot. NO Thanks!
Even the Jetson has issues, proof is right here. The OS , changes too often if you want to take advantage of the newer and some older LLM’s then it breaks everything. NONE of it is truly OPEN source that’s a marketing Gimmick if you ask me.
The Linux is all over the place. forget consistent tools. Unless you spend REAL money on the Highest end Device. your experience will be anything BUT OUTstanding. It’s the bleeding edge and they market it like its a mature tech, It’s not, none of the tools are or the reference designs, everyone has a tweak and that just Jacks it up from being standard. Sure if you want to run a frigate or some non consequential DEMO yea it works, right out of the box. No further.'try to add a VM or dual coral. Crap more adapters and stuff that just gets in the way.
I’m not wasting my money on that. AI doesn’t have to fit in my pocket to be useful.
Rant Off…
I appreciate they try to make stuff user friendly at seeed but Shoe horning into some Linux in just because is not attractive to me. The main issue with Ubuntu is that neither of its browsers supported video or audio websites that used DRM so look elsewhere for that in the AI relm.
WHat is a “Fully working Jetson” does that really exists. SOmeone idea of a cheap Desktop alternative LOL.
Agree Nvidia needs to crack the wip and get back on track. IMO.
Then add more fans and heatsinks… LOL
my .02
GL :slight_smile: PJ
Seeeds team does a yeoman’s job at supporting this moving target , but just look even they have to test it or go figure it out , kinda on there own and try and assimilate it to the NASTY masses who bought the stuff. YOI and YIKES! :face_with_peeking_eye: