First-Time Initial Setup: Board and Upload

Hi, I am trying to set up my new Seeed XIAO board to wor in my Arduino IDE, for the first time.

Per the Seeed documentation’s instructions I pasted this:
into the File/Preference/Additional Board manager URLs.
Then when I search for “Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21” it finds nothing
But when I search for only “Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD” it finds this one: “Seeed SAMD Boards”, and the latest to install is version 1.8.3. So I installed that.
Is this ok? Will this Board manager work with my board?

Then I reset my Seeeduino (by shorting the 2 reset contacts), and the green LED is on, and the yellow LED is blinking. Is this good so far?

Then I try to upload the Blink example and get this output, is it good, or am i missing something?


Sketch uses 34100 bytes (13%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found
Device       : ATSAMD21G18A
Chip ID      : 10010005
Version      : v1.1 [Arduino:XYZ] Nov 27 2019 16:35:59
Address      : 8192
Pages        : 3968
Page Size    : 64 bytes
Total Size   : 248KB
Planes       : 1
Lock Regions : 16
Locked       : none
Security     : false
Boot Flash   : true
BOD          : true
BOR          : true
Arduino      : FAST_CHIP_ERASE
Erase flash
done in 0.813 seconds

Write 34716 bytes to flash (543 pages)

[===                           ] 11% (64/543 pages)
[=======                       ] 23% (128/543 pages)
[==========                    ] 35% (192/543 pages)
[==============                ] 47% (256/543 pages)
[=================             ] 58% (320/543 pages)
[=====================         ] 70% (384/543 pages)
[========================      ] 82% (448/543 pages)
[============================  ] 94% (512/543 pages)
[==============================] 100% (543/543 pages)
done in 0.276 seconds

> Verify 34716 bytes of flash with checksum.
> Verify successful
> done in 0.044 seconds
> CPU reset.



all seem nominal… Continue.
GL :wink:

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Thanks! Yes, it finally worked, I made the LEDs blink.
It was weird, seems like HIGH and LOW are inverted.
Besides that, it’s working

On the XIAO SAMD21, the LED signals are inverted on/off- LOW turns LED on.

"Please note: The behavior of the built-in LED is reversed to the one on an Arduino. On the Seeed Studio XIAO SAMD21 , the pin has to be pulled low, whereas on other micro-controllers it has to be pulled high. "

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