September 16, 2010, 10:12am
I have installed the latest version of STMDemo and the DSO Nano is recognised by my PC. However the version of STM Demo is different than that in your documentation. The STMDemo software reports a protocol error with the DSO nano.
Bad DFU protocol version. Should be 1.1A
How do I get around this problem?
September 17, 2010, 5:33am
Could you try reinstall the driver and power off and on the DSO? Which OS are you using? Thanks!
September 17, 2010, 8:32am
Using Windows XP. I have removed and installed the application a couple of times but no luck so far…
September 21, 2010, 9:30pm
Would you please change another computer? and download the DFUSE tool and DFU from . Thanks!
September 27, 2010, 2:08pm
I got the STM software from your google location and I now have v3.0 rather than 3.01
However the computer does not reconise the nano when plugged in via the USB.
IIRC there was a procedure for manually installing the drivers???