Firmware 1.5 … 7537d638a3

1.5! Thanks Paul! :slight_smile:

Your firmware was the hottest for DSO nano, excited to see it’s updating again! Great work!

Added into google code repository.

Just prepared a firmware upgrade step by step guide, for people who wants to try: … f&can=2&q=

It’s the last firmware can loaded to Common hardware of Nano,The FFT & 2M version need a 103VE replaced,so there are no farther Paul version again.

Hardware V1.3 or V1.5 upgrade not recommanded,for the firmware have not been tested .

Hi Paul - can you also upload your source code if you can’t continue developing it? Perhaps someone else can continue your excellent work?


Is there an English user guide available for this firmware or perhaps someone using it for a while is willing to share lessons learnt?

Sorry,source code is protected as official designer required.

It’s difficult to me for my poor English,I guess The guy who translated the official guide could do such job too.

Yes, please. I would appreciate a quick guide for the Paul firmware.


短按Play启动扫描或暂停扫描 ,

MO设置:扫描模式、触发模式 ,
短按Play到SE菜单 ,

Tr设置:触发电平、触发灵敏度 ,
长按M消隐触发线 ;
短按Play到MO菜单 ,

C1设置:十字光标1位置 ,
长按M 消隐上次移动的光标上的指示数值–〉消隐上次移动的光标上和指示数值–〉显示上次移动的光标上和指示数值;
短按Play到Tr菜单 ,

C2设置:十字光标2位置 ,
长按M 消隐上次移动的光标上的指示数值–〉消隐上次移动的光标上和指示数值–〉显示上次移动的光标上和指示数值;
短按Play到C1菜单 ,

Me选择:测量模式、设置测量显示模式 ,
短按Play到C2菜单 ,

Of设置:x轴偏移、y轴偏移 ,
长按M消隐水平偏移参考线 ;
短按Play到Me菜单 ,

Fo设置:输出脉冲频率 ,
短按Play到Of菜单 ,

FL: 文件操作 ,
短按Play到Fo菜单 ,








^ Google translation from Chinese

Paul’s Firmware 1.5 operation manual.
Translated by Eric Pan from Seeed Studio 5/31/2010

Basic operation:
Press M to switch cycle downwards around menu items.
Press R/S to switch cycle upwards around menu items.
Press R/S and hold to jump back to Se (basic measurement) menu.
Use direction keys to adjust.
After long time idle, firmware jumps back to Se menu

Save parameter:
Keep power for 5 minutes for latest setup, or press and hold R/S button for menu other than Se.
Press M while powering up to use factory setting.

Frequency/Time measurement change.
Press UP/DOWN under C1 or C2 menu to toggle among Time/Frequency/Auto switch

a) Zero calibration
Press LEFT while powering up, connect black and red probe. In Se menu, Press UP/DOWN to choose scale needs calibration, press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust the displayed average voltage to 0V.
b) Gain calibration
Prepare a reference power source, press RIGHT while powering up, attach probe to reference power supply. In Se menu, press UP/DOWN to choose the scale needs calibration, press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust the displayed average voltage to the power source.
To get the best result, please repeat above processes, press M after completion, then press and hold R/S to save to parameter.

USB communication
When connected to PC, USB communication is disabled by default, PC will report unrecognizable USB device.
To use USB communication, please press M while powering up.

================================Menu operations as below======================
Se Menu:
To set vertical Scale, Time Base, Probe attenuation scale
Press UP/DOWN to adjust vertical scale, Press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust time base
Press and Hold directions to adjust waveform positions
Press M to switch probe attenuation scale
Press R/S to run and stop waveform
Press and hold R/S to display or hide all measurement items.
Mo Menu:
To set scan mode and trigger mode
Press UP/DOWN to choose trigger mode, Press LEFT/RIGHT to choose scan mode

Tr Menu:
To set trigger level and trigger sensitivity
Press UP/DOWN to adjust trigger level, LEFT/RIGHT to adjust trigger sensitivity
Press and hold M to display/hide trigger level marker

C1 Menu:
To set cross cursor 1 (Red dotted lines)
Press UP/DOWN to adjust horizontal cursor 1, Press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust vertical cursor
Press and hold M to toggle display of latest modified cursor and value

C2 Menu:
To set cross cursor 2 (Blue dotted lines)
Press UP/DOWN to adjust horizontal cursor 1, Press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust vertical cursor
Press and hold M to toggle display of latest modified cursor and value

Me Menu:
To set measurement mode and display
Press UP/DOWN to set measurement mode
Press and hold RIGHT to display all measurement items
Press and hold LEFT to hide

Of Menu:
To set horizontal position and vertical position
Press UP/DOWN to adjust vertical position, Press LEFT/RIGHT to adjust horizontal position
Press and hold M to toggle display of horizontal indicator

Fo Menu:
To set output waveform characteristics
Press and hold UP/DOWN to adjust duty cycle
Press UP/DOWN to adjust frequency in rough stages
Press LEFT/RIGHT to tune frequency in 1% scale
Press and hold LEFT/RIGHT to tune in 10% scale

FL Menu:
To operate file on SD card
Press RIGHT to save, Press LEFT to load, Press UP/Down to select #, Press and hold M to execute.
Press and hold UP/DOWN to move reference form
Press and hold LEFT to hide reference waveform
Press and hold RIGHT to display reference waveform

Tried to translate here. Please let me know if anything mistaken. thanks!

Excellent! :slight_smile:

I think the above post is worthy of a PDF available for download from the repository (perhaps even an editable word source so others can add to it).

I still have a couple open questions :

  • Is the SINGLE trigger mode working (continues sampling with no screen update until trigger)? How do I restart scanning for the next trigger event?
  • How can I stop/start sampling (freeze the display in any trigger mode) and then pan screen left/right to see more of the captured waveform?

Don’t know about anybody else but I’m having trouble changing the vertical scale using the “up” button in “Se” mode. I can move the waveform up and down by holding it as described, but just pressing up doesn’t reduce the volts/division.

Edit: I’ve got hardware v1.1.

Edit 2: The “up” button needs pressed several times in any mode to register it. Is it polled or does it use an interrupt?

Maybe something jamming the up button?

Thank you, Paul! Very good. The DSO becomes better.

Paul, your firmware is the best, but you can include LOGOS to reeplace seedstudio, dso nano… originally my DSO shows e-design. when I try some firmwares I lost it.

entusiast about this project, i’ve made a brief discussion on it and a manuals’ italian translation … o-201.html

i’m not a professional translator, then if someone find error , please tell me!

piccola recensione e traduzione italiana del manuale, liberamente utilizzabile da chiunque! segnalatemi eventuali errori ed inesattezze.

Hi guys!
I want to share my experience with the DSO nano here.

Just a two days ago I have received one from ebay. It was flashed with the latest Paul 1.5.20 firmware. So everything was ok but the voltage readings was biased with +800mV.
Seeed firmware has no gain and zero adjustments. Paul`s one wont write to microSD its settings.
The 2nd way was more clear so I have started my little research.

Here`s the results.

To have an opportunity of using the microSD card with Paul 1.5 do the following step-by-step:

1- Get an microSD 2GB card (do NOT buy Kingston!). I have Apacer 2GB working good. Maybe you should switch between several vendors.
2- Put the card into the card-reader or notebook and format it in FAT (FAT16) with standard cluster size.
3- Put it in the DSO Nano
4- power the DSO up while holding the M button. Do NOT use any DSO functions to not ruin the microSD filesystem!
5- connect the DSO with the PC with USB cable
6- windows users should check up “my computer” for new removable drive appeared.
6.1-If the new drive have appeared but you see window ‘hang up’ and too sloooow - this microSD card is inappropriate for your DSO. Return it to shop, get another one and repeat from step 1.
6.2-If windows says ‘disk is unformatted - format now?’ - its OK! Click YES, then select type FAT and do full (not quick) format of the flash card.
6.3- maybe you even see an empty disk - so you even dont have to format it.
7 - So you have seen a new drive and can access it from your PC. Pick up the archive attached below and extract files from it to the root folder of your microSD. Take a close attention: their names must contain small letters ONLY (i.e. config.dat not CONFIG.DAT). If not - simply rename it.
8. After all just cycle the power.If you see the mV values instead of Freq and Hz in the quick measure tab and the horizontal cursors are 0V and 5V - you are having success! (1.01 KB)

Special for those who have no usable SD,but ref wave is limmited to 4,
also worked for those who have an usable SD.
1.6.rar (33.3 KB)