Hi guys something I noticed in your Fingerprint scanner library, initially I thought it was just the following in the enroll sketch that was broken but it appears to be saving all of the IDs as 0.
Here is the part I have fixed, if you enter an integer it does nothing as you do not have a break after the id is set, below is the fixed code.
void loop() // run over and over again
Serial.println("Type in the ID # you want to save this finger as...");
uint8_t id = 0;
while (true) {
while (! Serial.available());
char c = Serial.read();
if (! isdigit(c)) break;
id *= 10;
id += c - '0';
Serial.print("Enrolling ID #");
while (! getFingerprintEnroll(id) );
Trying to work out where it has gone wrong with saving will get back to you, if anyone has already fixed this issue could you let me know please.