I suspect that this kind of problem is a quality control problem occurred during the official production of NVIDIA products, and the system did not correctly read the relevant information of the fan. For this problem, you can contact the relevant technical support of NVIDIA:
But the fan is connected to the seeedstudio carrier board, first of all. I’m using the Xavier AGX H01 dev kit, not the Nvidia AGX xavier dev kit. The latter has a different base board (carrier board) from the H01 one.
The installation guide of the H01 dev kit (Jetson Xavier AGX H01 | Seeed Studio Wiki), explicitly requires a different “board driver” to be copied before flashing. I suspect different mapping of the fan on the carrier board?
Also, searching online shows a lot of fan control methods no longer works at all. Some directories are actually not there in the systerm (my system after flashing: Jetpack 5.0.2, L4T 35.1.0, the latest available to the H01 kit). I suspect Nvidia changed the way to control fan and the carrier board “driver” needs update too but it doesn’t.
I contacted the technical engineers of NVIDIA, and they gave me the answer to your question. In the new batch, they changed the 4-pin fan to a 2-pin fan, which made it impossible to accurately detect the real speed of the fan through the system.