Failed firmware upgrade attempt

So is there a step by step process for recovering after is messes up the firmware upgrade and not have a white scrren of death?


Loaded 2.4 ok but 2.5 locks up unit. ???

I have upgraded to 2.5 ok, but I did need to upload the lib.dfu first.
Just uploading V2.5.dfu alone caused a white screen of death.
To get out of it I needed to boot with the down arrow button pressed to get into the upgrade mode.

I will try that. Any noteable difference between 2.4 and 2.5 ?

I skipped V2.4 so I can’t comment.

Ver 2.50 fix the flowing issues:

  1. Add the function that saves the whole display screen as BMP file;
    2.Genlocking the excursion during run and hold mode changing;
    3.Add the function:Press β€˜M’ to show or hide the reference wave;