What are the correct size specifications or dimensions for the 7-pin breadboard headers for a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 with the XIAO heatsink installed? The existing headers provided by the XIAO ESP32S3 kit are too short to use in a breadboard with the heatsink installed…
Heatsink: Aluminum Heat Sink For XIAO (2pcs)- Specialized for XIAO ESP32S3 Sense, Seeed Studio SKU 114010001, 10mm x 10mm x 6mm(?) dimensions
Stock Supplied Headers: 7-pin male header for Seeed Studio XIAO Series Board (5 pcs), Seeed Studio SKU 102010490, 15.84mm x 11.57mm x x 6mm x 2.43mm dimensions
If there are headers available for purchase that I missed, my apologies… if so, what is the SKU?