ESP32C3 pin conections

I want to clarify a few questions about the ESP32C3 board:

  1. Can the board be powered from the 5V VCC?
  2. I can’t find where GPIO2 is connected. Is it floating (connected only to the J2 header)?
  3. Is GPIO8 the same?
  4. Are these 2.54 mm headers? What is the distance between the centers of the inner pin holes?

Why is GPIO9 even available for connection? It seems odd to allow connections to pins 2, 8, and especially 9.

All strapping pins have latches. At system reset, the latches sample the bit values of their
respective strapping pins and store them until the chip is powered down or shut down.
The states of latches cannot be changed in any other way. It makes the strapping pin
values available during the entire chip operation,
and the pins are freed up to be used as regular IO pins after reset.

Once you grasp this concept it all makes sense.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

You can also consult the schematic to get yourself some reassurance :+1:

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