ESP Question for garlic_yogurt

  1. well i suppose my question was going to be along the lines of the following: i just got a seeed esp32s3 and i’m trying to learn the esp way of doing things. i’m working with the C SDK, not Arduino. For starters, I’d like to send the device text commands via UART but I couldnt figure out how to use the USB connection as my UART. ESP_LOGI works, prints there. But I couldnt figure out a) what sets that UART port up, b) how to send the ESP commands. I see this is possible using the Arduino framework, so I know it’s possible. I guess my question is that: how can I setup and operate the USB connection of the seeed esp32s3 so that I can send it text over my serial monitor? what I tried so far: the code examples that comes in the SDK, and some online tidbits. I believe the UART that’s on the USB is UART2 but I’m unsure. When I set up UART2 the way it’s done in the uart_events example, the task that’s waiting for events by doing xQueueReceive(uart0_queue, (void *)&event, (TickType_t)portMAX_DELAY) freezes as soon as I type a character in my serial monitor. I’m confused please help (edited)
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I used this device to send commands via UART

It is a very touchy touchscreen

hello, this I’m the OP actually, but couldnt create a thread for some reason.

I’d really appreciate if someone could help!

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okay i think i found enough hints.

in case anyone has the same question: the example esp-idf/examples/system/console/advance_usb_cdc/ is the one that shows you how to do data in/out over the usb connection on the seeed esp32s3.

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dont forget to come back… we will make you an honerary expert

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lol thanks i’ll stick around for sure

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