Error when adding Seeeduino boards to IDE

Hello, Sorry I’m quite new to this.

I’m running Arduino IDE 1.8.12

I am following the following instructions:

Most of it seems to work okay. I can get the AVR package and select my V4 Seeeduino board in the board list.

But I keep getting these errors all the time now:

Index error: could not find referenced tool name=riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc version=8.2.0 packager=Seeeduino
Index error: could not find referenced tool name=kflash version=1.3.0 packager=Seeeduino
Index error: could not find referenced tool name=kendryte-standalone-sdk version=0.5.6 packager=Seeeduino

Should I do something about this?

You can delete the incomplete Arduino packages in the wrong place.If you still need it, you can install it again.

Arduino 1.8.12 is broken (its the compiler not finding precompiled libraries).
You need to revert to version 1.8.10, and make sure to remove any Board upgrades that were done. ( Might need to clean out $user/$username>/appdata/arduino15 ). When you do this, you may need to set up preferences again. This is not for feint-hearted, you need to be bold and confident you can fix it if it breaks, which it will.

I have reverted to 1.8.10, cleaned out my Arduino15 directory, and even cleaned out my Arduino project directory so I could do a clean install of all my libraries. I am still getting the following block of errors. I suspect it isn’t about 1.8.12 of the IDE being broken, but I don’t have a solution.

Index error: could not find referenced tool name=riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc version=8.2.0 packager=Seeeduino
Index error: could not find referenced tool name=kflash version=1.3.0 packager=Seeeduino
Index error: could not find referenced tool name=kendryte-standalone-sdk version=0.5.6 packager=Seeeduino