Electronic brick - PIR motion sensor(digital) SKU: ELB106C5M

Can I solder my power supply and outut wire directly to the PIR module or is there a wire harness that can be purchased with the module. There appears to be a connector on the side of the module put I didn’t see any useful information or tech specs on Wiki abou the module.



dear customer, this module has 3 pins . Vcc/Gnd/Sig. it can be connected with the electronic shield(seeedstudio.com/depot/electr … th=178_179).
also , if youdo not have this cable and shield , you can wire the Vcc/Gnd to the corresponding pin of your mainboard , and then connect the Sig pin to a digital/analog pin of your main board. in your software, you can check the state of this pin to detect the PIR motion .