I recently purchased the Seeed EdgeBox RPI4 and am trying to set up with WM1302 SPI LoRa module. There are no instructions or settings in the Seeed EdgeBox RPI4 documentation so am using LoRaWAN® Gateway Module WM1302 - Seeed Wiki (this uses a Pi hat to connect to WM1302) but am getting error when running ./lora_pkt_fwd -c global_conf.json.sx1250.US915 command. Error happens when opening SPI communications interface per below:
CoreCell reset through GPIO17…
SX1261 reset through GPIO17…
CoreCell power enable through GPIO18…
CoreCell ADC reset through GPIO13…
Opening SPI communication interface
ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator
Can you verify what pins should be set in reset_lgw.sh script ?
I am following section 3.3 of the EdgeBox user manual for the WM1302 installed in the Mini-PCIe and am using pin 5 for sx1302 reset and pin 6 for sx1302 power enable. I have already tested the WM1302 using a seeed Pi hat and a RPi4 per the wiki at LoRaWAN® Gateway Module WM1302 - Seeed Wiki and it works as described to start the LoRa packet forwarder. Now I am trying to do the same test using the EdgeBox RPi 200 with the WM1302 module installed in the EdgeBox. I have modified the reset_lgw.sh script to use pin 5 for sx1302 reset and pin 6 for sx1302 power enable. Following the instructions in the WM1302 wiki to start the packet forwarder using command “./lora_pkt_fwd -c global_conf.json.sx1250.US915” I get the error “ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator”. Can you provide any information or guidelines on how to use the WM1302 when installed in the EdgeBox? The only information on the seeed EdgeBox website for LoRa states “Mini-PCIe support LoRaWAN(Seeed WM1302 tested)*” and “You can use Seeed WM1302 module for LoRaWAN applications”. Is there any additional information or guidelines on using the EdgeBox with LoRa that can be provided?
Please use this github repo as I have prepare for Edgebox-RPI-200 with wm1302 SPI version.
The steps are:
1. git clone https://github.com/peterpanstechland/sx1302_hal.git
2. cd ~/sx1302_hal/
3. git checkout Edgebox-RPI-200
4. make
5. cd packet_forwarder/
6. cp ../tools/reset_lgw.sh .
#This is example of using WM1302 SPI US915
7../lora_pkt_fwd -c global_conf.json.sx1250.US915