Eagle DRC not perfectly consistent with spec

Just a minor note on the Fusion Eagle DRC file. There are minor differences between what the DRC says and what the Fusion specifications say on the seeed website:

DRC Copper to Dimension = 0.25mm; should be 0.4mm

DRC stop mask = 0.05mm (actually says “2 mil”) whereas the spec seems to indicate 0.13mm (not sure about this one - I submitted with the DRC 2mil dimensions).

It might be useful (for Seeedstudio) if a prefered via drill size is specified. I submitted with 0.4mm but I can use anything if Seeed have a lot of one type of drill. If they don’t care, I’ll use 0.35mm in future.

I was going to ask about metric Gerbers - Eagle generates them in 1000s of an inch but I can do them in metric too (Eagle 7.2 suddenly can do metric output in Gerber files).
