DSOQuadV2.6 RESOURCE(Update 2012/04/12)

After reading many posts in this thread… I am a bit lost…where can i download the last marcosin firmware?

any updates since his last post?..

In the bottom of this page sites.google.com/site/marcosinat … ronica/dso V1.7


I have seen that there is no FPGA file, so can I use last file from the maker?

Merry Christnmas!!!

Here FPGA 2.22 seeedstudio.com/wiki/DSO_Qua … g_Firmware

Please confirm the order of firmware upgrade.
unpack fpga261.rar
flash .ADR
flash .BIN
unpack app252
flash .hex
unpack sys151
flash .hex
or I should do it in another sequence
unpack app252
flash .hex
unpack sys151
flash .hex
and after it I should do
unpack fpga261.rar
flash .ADR
flash .BIN
Sorry for noob question.

Order does not matter. Only exception is FPGA, you need to upload ADR file, unmount and mount DFU, then upload FPGA’ BIN, unmount, and finally restart your DSO if you finished updating. Note that restarting the DSO is not necessary if you did not finished updating.

By the way, it is impossible to kill DS203 by updating it, so no need to worry. However, it is better to write down your license number just in case you ever need it, read seeedstudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=9337#p9337 if you do not know how to get your license number.

Dear Marco, whether it is possible to add function AUTOSETUP and to make changeable parametre time of switching-off of the screen? Happy New Year!

Try pressing the O key next to the triangle key for about 1 second. Mine notes “saving setting” and appears to keep the setting when I power it off.

A video or basic operation document would be helpful in learning how to use the features. I stumbled across most of the features by experimentation and luck, rather than knowing. Makes me wonder what other features it might have that I don’t know about.


It looks like I found a bug that exists in 2.51 and 2.52 firmwares: TH value for channels 2-3-4 calculates wrong.

I’ve attached 2 screenshots with the same signal (from the generator) that connected consequently to channel 1 and then to channel 2. Look at TH value. When it’s blue (channel 1) it shows correct value, but when it’s yellow (channel 2) it shows wrong. The TL value is ok both times.

May be I do something wrong, I don’t know.


Also I know another bug that existed in 2.51 but I’ve just upgraded to 2.52 and may be it disappeared, but may be not.
When using Single Mode sometimes a signal and settions delays for several times of pressing Hold.

For example: I changed horizontal resolution and pressed the Hold button to update my screen, but I still see signal with previous resolution, I can press Hold for several times but I still the same signal. I have to wait some period of time to be able to use my new params of resolution. It’s a small bug but annoying a little.

UPD: I found the bug source. App2.51 menu.c line 344 and below:

case TH: if((Meter[i].Track == TRACK1)&&(_1_source == CH_A)) Tmp = (k*TaS)/TaN - (k*PaS)/TaN; if((Meter[i].Track == TRACK2)&&(_2_source == CH_B)) Tmp = (100000*PbS)/TbS; if((Meter[i].Track == TRACK3)&&(_3_source == CH_C)) Tmp = (100000*PcS)/TcS; if((Meter[i].Track == TRACK4)&&(_4_source == CH_D)) Tmp = (100000*PdS)/TdS; if(Tmp <= 0x7FFFFFFF/m) Tmp = 1024*((m*Tmp)/Kp)/n; else Tmp = 0x80000000; Int2Str(NumStr, Tmp, T_UNIT, 4, UNSIGN); break;

TH for channel 1 has one type of calculation but channels 2-3-4 have absolutely different. Please fix these 3 lines.

P.S. Please tell me where I can find 2.52 firmware sources to look into.

P.P.S. Another question: please explain to me how could I load apps to app2,app3 and app4 memory space? I’ve just read hips of texts in the Internet but I still can’t understand how can I load an app for the 1-st button and an app for 2-nd button, etc… When I upgrade the firmware I only upgrade the default one.

Is Macro still working on lt?
I can’t wait for the first release of 2012 and the FFT :smiley:

Application should be prepared (compiled/linked) for particular slot and then it will be installed into correct slot automatically. So you can’t choose slot if you have one .hex file.

Yes, I’ve already understood this sad moment. I saw how vector table is programmed to the specific memory region. It seems that it’s easy to make the program universal for all memory regions and let bootloader decide were to put the program. It can be useful as it allows to use several custom versions from different authors simultaniously.

V1.8 added sites.google.com/site/marcosinat … ronica/dso
Only some changes on XY mode grid and scaling.

Thanks for the software package and updates! Gazie mille! I am testing your soft thoroughly.

XPOS scrolling still does not work in SINGLE mode

My firmware has a lot of bugs, but less than the original, but it has!
I do not have time to work to it now, I hope to resume work as soon as possible…

It’ll be excellent if you open your sources to allow others to continue your firmware improvement process. I would fix some bugs but no sources. You can put them on GitHub or somewhere like this.

No problem.
Source_V2.51_V1.8.rar (70.3 KB)

Thanx a lot!
What do you think about creating a new topic about your firmware on the forum? I’m very newbie on this forum and don’t know anything here.

Hello Marco

  • Where can we find your modified SYS source (the one for SYS25116.HEX)?
  • What does not work with FPGA 2.61, do you recommend to owners of newer DSO Quads to downgrade to 2.22?
