DSOQuadV2.6 RESOURCE(Update 2012/04/12)

Re-did a complete code merge of marcosin into 2.51 by hand and got it to compile with -Os :slight_smile:
Still a few problems with it, but they should be “fixable”.
Will post as asap.

This should work (hopefully)


  • Re-did a complete code merge of marcosin 1.8 & fixes into 2.51 by hand. - Now compiles with -Os
  • X_Y modes don’t work, and mess the buffer - Reset needed to proceed after using X_Y.

The rest seems ok.
dso203_gcc_v1.5.zip (279 KB)

…well, better than 1.4 but… there is still a huge offset on CH A, as well as an impossible to understand Vpp with a DC signal. But no more random square signals.
I still don’t understand what happens with this processor/compiler…

can you do a calibration?

Yes, and it seems to work! Congratulations!

Do you have any idea:

  • why the fact to merge marcosin’s source code into 2.51 makes any difference compared to using marcosin’s complete source code? why does it know compile with Os?
  • why the X-Y mode don’t work? Juste merging marcosin’s code doesn’t seem to me to be a suitable explanation…


Yes, you probably had the calibration settings messed up by the previous release.

Marco’s code doesn’t compile directly in gcc. There are a few differences between IAR and gcc source, like some datatypes.
The last version was more or less a straight port of Marco’s code to gcc, but it had issues, like you saw. (and something in the code didn’t “like” -Os).
Merging his code over the stable gcc 2.51 code I had actually involved more work/time than the previous attempt, but I knew I could control each step of the process to determine any incompatibilities with -Os.

Don’t know yet what’s the problem with X-Y part, but shouldn’t be hard to fix. (we’ve all heard that before :slight_smile: )
I have a version ready that already fixes the max, min and vpp readings, but will try to fix X-Y also before release.

AP3_P100 installed on my DS203 but when restarting it still say 2.52 and it is no change in user interface(?) SYS is 1.51.

I think it’s on slot 3, so you’ll have to power-up with button 3 (circle) pressed.

…by the way, I have just noticed that this firmware has been available since september 2011 (beta) and decembre 2011 (v1.00) on the chinese forum for the DSO203 (same as DSO Quad):


There you can find a version for slot 1 and a version for slot 3 as well as some explanations about the menus.


PS: I have no idea where the source code is… on source-ds203.googlecode.com it’s still 2.51

…meanwhile, I asked if they would release the source code.

v1.6 released

  • Fixed X_Y modes - now operational again
  • Fixed Min, Max and Vpp readings

dso203_gcc_v1.6.zip (278 KB)

dso203_gcc v1.7 released

  • Fixed x10 probe modes - Division scales and meter values
  • Calibration accuracy fix

Pedro Simoes
dso203_gcc_v1.7.zip (277 KB)

Hi Pedro,

Wow! You’re doing a great job!

I was looking for a portable low cost oscilloscope and found DSO203. Looks like a good piece of equipment, but searching a bit I see there are quite some bugs and there is no real official change/fix log so hard to tell what of those has been fixed.

A one which looks a major one indeed to me is described in the latest (2012-02-10) review here:
seeedstudio.com/depot/dso-qu … ?cPath=174

Is it known? Has it been fixed?

Also I’ve seen that there are wrong units displayed for the frequency. Has it been fixed?

And I’ll use the opportunity to ask this: do you think those DSO203 sold on eBay are genuine? Like this one :
ebay.com/itm/ARM-V2-DSO203-D … 256acdec28

And I wonder why it seems like the developers don’t care and you have to fix all the bugs on your own?

Sorry for all the questions, just don’t want to end up with an expensive toy.


Triggering is, I would say, a bit unreliable. I wouldn’t say it’s useless, just unreliable.
It doesn’t work consistently in all situations. That’s about it.
It works for me, in most situations.
The triggering is done in the FPGA, and there’s currently no way to rebuild that code without purchasing a licence, and that I would say is my biggest gripe about it.

I find it a bit more sad that the analog bandwidth has been “strangled” due to some bad hardware design choices. The digital processing part is actually superior but you can’t take advantage of it.

ps: This build has correct frequency units, yes.
The official one (still) doesn’t.

ps2: In the end, it’s a (very nice) expensive toy, yes.
You can’t compare it to a professional dso, but then again, how many good dso’s do you know of this size?

Hi Pedro,

Thanks for your contributions. Last night I upgraded the s/w with the latest sys and fpga. The only thing to watch out is to download the app using zip, otherwise you get an error. Have not have a chance to do any measurement, but the upgrading worked perfectly.

With regards to the FPGA code compiler license how much does that cost? The thing is that for other open source s/w, the tools are also free. Then how would people deal with open source fpga source?

I am not sure if the community is willing to contribute to buy a license, but it is something to think about.

There’s a thread about compiling the FPGA code: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2021

FPGA programing is not even something I have any knowledge about :slight_smile:
I’ve only browsed the source code.

Hello Kabron,

Do you have any new achievement of debug DSO with a ST-Link?
I want to try it but I’m afraid I will erase something in the ROM.

Yay for the new releases.

Can you please post the sourcecode to the git repository ?


I’m a student, i wanna research DSOQuadV2.6 but i can’t find lasted source code (APP 2.53, SYS 1.52, FPGA 2.61).
help me please

viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1929 :wink: