DSO Quad will not erase memory from computer USB.

How do you erase a file in the DSO Quad USB memory using a Windows XP computer?

I have numerous .csv files stored and wish to get rid of the old ones. I cannot find any location in the manuals for the procedure to erase files either from the DSO or from a computer.

When the computer is connected and used to erase several files it will not delete any more than 10 at a time.

When a single file is erased from a computer USB connection the file seems to be gone until the DSO is powered down and back up. It then just reappears. I understand the principle when you internally write a .csv file that you must power down the DSO and back up for it to be moved into the USB flash section. This is not the problem but may be related.

:unamused: When I look at this from a Linux computer it indicates the file structure is not normal. Also the “disk” is a read only.

A second related problems also involves the .csv files. About 30% of the time when a file is written over an existing file the new written file is corrupted. I have not seen this when a new file name is chosen. This is the reason for trying to erase previously written files.

This is a great instrument and we love it for a very small data recorder at faster sample rates. Nothing like it on the market in a standalone. Can’t live with out it.

Just format the drive. The FAT12 filesystem routines in BIOS are lousy and don’t really handle removed files. Usually it works for some time but then starts corrupting the filesystem when it gets close to full (it doesn’t handle fragmented files).