DSO Quad suggestion and bugs.

I almost hate to chime in with you young Turks and all that you bring to the table in programming expertise, etc. But just in case no one has thought of it yet, expanded memory would be easily assembled from a micro-USB male A to USB A female adaptor and a Micro-USB flash Card/Reader combo. The DSO would have to look for a signature and run the appropriate access protocols, but the thing would stick out no more that the adapter itself as the Micro Card reader fits almost entirely into the type A female slot. P.S.: I have technical writing experience if you need a proofer and have a thick skin.

Is there an X-Y mode in the Quad? It would be pretty nice if possible.
I skimmed through this thread and searched the forum but didn’t see a mention of it. I would like to use my DSO Quad with an old style “octopus,” but without X-Y it’d be pretty hard to use.

No, the Quad does not do X-Y right now. It would indeed be a nice addition.

I don’t think the STM32F103VC is able to use the current USB port in USB host mode. The datasheet for the LQFP100 chip shows USBDM on pin 70, and USBDP on pin 71. BTW, I downloaded all the application notes and source code on ST’s site, if anyone is getting serious about driver development. I put it all in the attached torrent. It’s a 225 MB download, which is too big to directly post. Please download it and leave it seeding!

I’d suggest replacing the 16Mbit (2MB) flash chip with a microSD card slot. Yes, you’d have to disassemble the case to change cards, but as microSD cards increase in size, the DSO Quad automatically keeps pace.
STM32F103VCdev.torrent (35.7 KB)


Yes, I have a clear idea what I feel would work for the QuadDSO navigation and menu system as I work with test equipment every day in my work. But rather than to explain it now, I feel it would be better to just get the base plane coded first, and then to see preliminary how it works. Changes and ideas can easily then be incorporated into the model if needed.

I have not got a Nano, but if you have a video of the latest Nano navigation and Menu system in action, that I would find useful and interesting to see.

I can make a special video or just loan you a V1 Nano for a few months, it already has v3.62 installed. Contact me via private mail and let me know which you want, video or V1 Nano. If it is the V1, provide mailing address in the private message.

Would be useful to see a V1/V2 Nano video.

I can’t seem to get away from myself.

Here you will find a group of about 15 Nano videos. They show all changes thru v3.61. I guess I need to update for v3.62. I will do that update in the next few days and include a menu operation section. youtube.com/user/lwgraves?feature=mhee#p/p Just select the Nano Tutorial section.


Thank you for this :slight_smile:. I think no need to send me a Nano, but thank you for the help. I have already prepared SYS for the new setup, and I am in the process of working with APP at the moment. DSO traces are now full screen, and all the junk is cleared from the main display. I am busy now with the navigation, menues and presentation. More on this shortly, when I have made sufficient headway.

adrian.inspiritive, I’m excited to see work progressing and looking forward to testing anything new. And for that I thank you. If I might be allowed a humble bit of input; I’ve used the full screen with “Junk” in reports on machine failures and while a full screen would be most advatatious, I would like to have the option of using the digital readings as well. Just input, but a full screen would be very nice.

As a side note, I carry a kit for troubleshooting that is rather small but still has a mini multi meter. The DSO could have a large charactor Multimeter mode, couldn’t it?

I thought there was a problem with the optocoupler limiting the safe input voltage range to 10V. I can’t find the thread now where this was first reported.

The software side would be best done as a user app, I think. There are reserved app spaces for user apps on the 2MB flash drive.

You’re right! And, there would be no Ohm functionality. Suppose I’ll just have to keep lugging the other meter around, oh the pain…

TS Kit.jpg

Me too. User selection of which measurements remain on screen is very useful, similar to the Nano. Understand that adrian needs time to sort this all out. I also remain available for general testing and negative testing of the changes.

Well it has been a few weeks since I visited the forums, work keeping me busy, but I am glad to see that some people are taking the suggestion of this thread and actually doing some useful work.

I also would be happy to do some beta testing of any firmware changes.

I would also be very happy to test any new XML data capture output and integrate it into my PC client.

Cheers Pete.

  1. there is signal once at second by duration 500 mkS in mode “auto” its not possible seize, in mode “norm”, only with unrolling before 100mkS if expose less for instance 50 to consider in detail not possible seize. in mode “singl” seizes, but change duration of the unrolling is not got, numerals are changed but real does not change

  2. if unrolling slow but frequency high that frequency are defined wrong

  3. 100kHz shows 100Hz, 1MHz shows 1kHz

DS0230 after calibration in all range, given invalid value in Vdc, real value = 3.2 Vdc=2.80.
may by DS not uses callibration data, same marker “zero line” then display shifting up or down from channel marker then callibration work on real value, and not sift line the calibration performed only GND

the add by ideas:
-the ability to view and values ​​korrektiroyvki salibrovki without recalibration of choosing from the menu


:slight_smile: Agreed, I also want to see a large character voltmeter mode. In fact I would like to have DSO, DVM, DSA (FFT), SIG, and Logic Analyzer with signal decoding (1-wire, serial, etc). That would put everything I use in my pocket on a daily basis. Ok, it is NOT a replacement for a good Tek for the detailed measurements, but as a pocket field instrument it would be excellent.

Where did you get that pouch containing the Quad, Mini Voltmeter, and probes? I must get one of those :slight_smile:.

adrian.inspiritive - Got the pouch with a $16 test lead kit from Amazon. At that price I ordered 3 kits to have available at different locations/tool kits and the pouch just happend to be perfect for the Quad with room for a little Amp multimeter. The amazon link is


Extech TL809 Electronic Test Lead Kit. Heck, if you don’t need the probes, the pouch is worth the cash if it fits our needs (DSO.) It’s also elegible for Super Saver Free shipping, if you get the order over $25.

Hi, I’m Joaquim and I live in Portugal.

I’m a very basic new user :slight_smile:

I’ve been looking around all the info available, I’ve calibrated probe and I’ve followed calibration procedure explained in the manual. However, while ChA menu 2 Vpp reports 0.000mV default, ChB Vpp shows 0.220V no tension applied, so all ChB mesurements become wrong. Any one knows a way to correct this?

Thank you in advance for your help.


When reporting a problem, it is best that you and everyone else include your software version numbers for APP, SYS, and FPGA. The APP and SYS version numbers appear when turned on, but the FPGA must be upgraded to be sure of it’s version number.

There are also two hardware versions out there, v2.3 and v2.6 with the latter being the most abundant. This hardware version is also displayed when the Quad is first turned on. Most will be using hardware version 2.6 so you only need to mention hardware is you have v2.3.

This will keep us all on the same page.