DSO nano Help with DMA


I need some help!

Please someone can explain to me in the DSO nano firmware 1, how is linked “Ain” with “Scan_buffer” and “vbat” with “ADC1_DR_ADDR” in DMA setup? (Ain and vbat are set in GPIO configuration).

in others words, how is linked that pin with that register or memory position


software fragment:


  • DMA configuration
    void DMA_Configuration(void)
    DMA_ISR = 0x00000000;/DMA interrupt status register
    |||||||±–GIF1 =0
    |+++++±—Reset value
    DMA_IFCR= 0x00000000;/DMA interrupt flag clear register
    |||||||±–CGIF1 =0
    |+++++±—Reset value
    DMA_CCR1= 0x00003580;/0011 0101 1000 0000
    |||| |||| |||| |||| |||±-EN = 0
    |||| |||| |||| |||| ||±–TCIE=0
    |||| |||| |||| |||| |±—HTIE=0
    |||| |||| |||| |||| ±----TEIE=0
    |||| |||| |||| |||±------DIR =0
    |||| |||| |||| ||±-------CIRC=0
    |||| |||| |||| |±--------PINC=0
    |||| |||| |||| ±---------MINC=1
    |||| |||| ||+±-----------PSIZE=01
    |||| |||| +±-------------MSIZE=01
    |||| ||+±----------------PL=11
    |||| |±------------------MEM2MEM=0

    DMA_CNDTR1=0x00001000; //DMA channel1 number of data register=4096*2 Bytes
    DMA_CPAR1 = ADC1_DR_ADDR; //DMA channel1 peripheral address register
    DMA_CMAR1 =(u32)&Scan_Buffer[0];//DMA channel1 memory address register
    DMA_CCR1 |= 0x00000001; //DMA channel1 EN = 1

for anyone else confused by this post i have done some net-searching and found that “vinculated” is like the word “vinculante” which is Spanish for binding and latin construct would possible make “vinculated” the verb bind as in “to bind” … yeah … OK so I’m bored…