I have purchased the new hardware version of the DSO nano. It is called v3.
The sd-card is replaced through a memory on the board.
I have upgrade it on Software version 4.22.
While using, I appreciate that the single shop trigger does not work as I know it from a big DSO, like Tektonix for instance.
This was the reason, the I have upgraded to the new Software-Version. And there is not work, too.
Does I use it wrong?
I have used it as the manual described.
On page 14 there is the instruction: “Triggering setting: DC Coupling” (Werer is that to do?)
The signal is 3,3Vpp, the triggerlevel is about 2V and the sensitivity is ± 200mV.
In Auto-mode I have checked that the signal is rising, but in Single-mode there is nothing happens.
Can some one help me.
Please apologize my ugly english.