Hi gabonator,
I really like your interface to the DSO203, it combines many features that are usually only available on costly scopes - such as FFT and masking… you have even implemented a cut-down ‘arbitary waveform generator’ (usually an expensive item by itself).
Being a long time oscilloscope user (more than 20 years - my first cro was Telequipment single trace 5MHz valve jobby), I have a few suggestions on your interface which you might like to consider.
The biggest issue I have is a “run/stop”. It is there, and is one of the very first things I enabled (on triangle button), because it was not there by default. Now that I have a button for it, the indication that the cro is in ‘run/stop’ is very obscure. How about the whole “trig” menu changes green or red? Although that is only on one page, so perhaps changing the colour of the top “tabs” menu (currently blue)?
I switch between the ‘standard’ interface (v1.06 plus A1) and yours (v3.11C) because the standard interface does have some features your interface does not…
- As I said above, the ‘run/stop’ is easy to see and use
- Buffer depth : when running fast it is not an issue. When using long time/div settings, the wait while the buffer fills is terrible. 106+ allows the user to set the buffer size.
- Trigger : 106+ has pre-trigger, “normal”-trigger and post-trigger (the “T0” selects which one). I tried the “Trig pos” option in your software, but it didn’t seen to change anything?
- The battery indicator is actually quite useful
On useability side, I agree with ‘solaris7roadshow’ on the primary menu. I think you should swap the rows and columns. Reason being is you use the “<>” to go into the menu, but then need to use the “-+” button to select the most used functions (scope, spectrum, generator). Just using the one button would be so much easier!
In the ‘oscilloscope’ tab, an additional tab should be present where “-+” always sets volts/div and “<>” always sets time/div : the most used functions on any scope!! It is fiddly having to navigate menus (of any description, no matter how shallow or deep you need to go) to set these basic parameters. Perhaps pressing one of the other buttons to either escape the “primary” menu, or fall into to the next most used parameters… vertical position, channel selection (A,B), channel coupling (AC/DC), and trigger mode… the slightly less used functions.
On other matters (bugs? not implemented yet?)
Scope : Disp. > Persistance doesn’t work. I believe there is some issue with available memory?
Scope : Mask > Start collect / stop collect doesn’t appear to work (it is running all the time).
Scope : Mask > Source is fixed on channel A only.
FFT : Again mentioned by solaris7roadshow, the display doesn’t show anything unless the signal becomes quite large. Were you going to implement a ‘log’ scale at some stage? (sort of implied by the word ‘linear’ under the FFT menu).
Generator : The “volatile” waveform is great! I read you were having trouble with the max samples (36?). Did you ever solve this?
The facility to zoom in/out on a ‘stopped’ waveform to see ‘in’ to the sample, or ‘out’ to the buffer size.
The trigger mode ‘scan’ seems pretty useless to me. A ‘roll’ mode would be far more useful, especially at large time/div settings.
The ‘holdoff’ value… is that in samples? divisions? Having units on some of these menu items would be very benificial.
I love your software, and am going to try and get it compiling so I can contribute - but I am more of a hardware guy than a software guy!
I read a lot of complaints from people whining that the DSO203 did not meet their expectations… crikey, what do they expect for a couple of hundred bucks!! I think it is great, and really exceptional for ‘low speed’ microcontroller projects. Only word of complaint from me … the aluminium case becomes ‘live’ if you put the ground lead onto a ‘live chassis’!