Hi There!
I was using my DSO203 for a while with Wildcat6.5 without problems.
I was reading about upgrading the FPGA to get full speed oversampling, “copy FPGA_281.ADR then FPGA_281.BIN in DFU mode to the device”, so I thought to give a try.
Now my DSO displays “FPGA configuration error please load the FPGA data” then on the next screen a color dotted rectangle (it looks like the logo is missing) and below it shows “Hardware Ver 2.82 Serial No:” (Serial no is empty) and keeps peeping continuously.
In DFU mode Serial and Licence is displayed correctly.
My device is DS203 HW2.82 DFU V3.46C
Can someone give me some instructions to get my device working? ![IMG_2436.jpg|3264x2448](upload://8UyyQ0e2DwcIlUCFm6o2kQ9noow.jpeg) ![IMG_2435.jpg|3264x2448](upload://tTuvaCBHBxGxv91oZWD7k86ejU4.jpeg) ![IMG_2436.jpg|3264x2448](upload://8UyyQ0e2DwcIlUCFm6o2kQ9noow.jpeg) ![IMG_2435.jpg|3264x2448](upload://tTuvaCBHBxGxv91oZWD7k86ejU4.jpeg)