drive led strip

hey guys

i just saw your blog post ( … led-strip/) about driving led stripes with the rainbowduino.

I wonder if I can build a large led matrix out of led stripes, as those led stripes are all bundled with 3 leds.

can you give me any hints? is one led strip (3xrgb leds) used as one logical led block? or as three?

is the rainbowduino able to drive those 12v strips directly?

thanks in advance, cheers

Hi michu,

Yes, you can build a large led matrix out of led strips. One led strip is used as one logical led block with three leds.

Yes, you can use a 12v power supply to rainbowduino to driver the led strips.

The rainbowduino is an open source project, can download some demo code, in which there’s one for driving led strips.

May it helpful to you, and feel free to ask any question!
