DRC reports strange errors ?


I downloaded project from here : h t t p s : / / github. c o m / r o b e l i x / n a n i n o
But when I run DRC,Eagle is reporting 78 errors stating that there are overlaps and dimensions problem.
There is no overlaps for sure because ,those wires are connected and they should be overlapped !
I believe those errors are not important but I dot know how to get rid of them :frowning:

Can I send those files for fabrication?Will manufacturer help me with these errors?

Eventually I would like to by pcbs from link mentioned above.

I am planing to by 10 pcs of these pcbs (10x10cm).
Images and whole project is in attachment.

Kind regards,
gerber_files.zip (40.4 KB)

Can I approve this errors and send gerber files to seeedstudio for fab?

Kind regards

hi there,
1.the dimension error is the clearance between the board outline and the route is less than 6mil
please keep the clearance ≥6mil

2.the overlap error is there are more than two routes overlap
please confirm they are a same net class

if you have any more confusions, please upload your eagle files, i will check it again.


This is exceptionally decent and good post…You shook posting it…Thanks a ton for posting it…!!!