Download HMBLEComAssistant.apk

Good day, I’d like to ask where can I download the HMBLEComAssistant.apk file for testing the connection and transmission of messages from the SeeedBLEShields to an Android Device.

I thank you in anticipation of your favourable response.

Its available in the following Github link:

Hey Everyone,
You can download the HMBLEComAssistant.apk file from the Seeed Studio website. Here are the steps to download the file:

  1. Go to the Seeed Studio website (
  2. Click on the “Products” tab on the top navigation bar.
  3. Select “Wireless” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Scroll down to find the “Bluetooth” section and select “Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)”.
  5. Find the “HMBLEComAssistant” product and click on it.
  6. On the product page, click on the “Resources” tab.
  7. Scroll down to find the “Downloads” section and click on the “APK” button to download the HMBLEComAssistant.apk file.

Once the file is downloaded, you can transfer it to your Android device and install it. Additionaly, I have a question, can I use KMA application to download this apk?