I am doing the demo 3 project.
It only works when I upload code to each as suggested and when I open serial monitoring.
When I attempted to use them as standalone, ie not connected to the PC, they don’t find each other.
I am hoping to set up a standalone simple ble to ble link using the xiao nrf52840 as it simplifies the project in size and cost
Appreciate any assistance
Is there a “while(!Serial)” in the sketch?
In both… Hi msfujino. Thank you for your reply.
Yes there is in both demo 3 sketches…
“while(!Serial)” requires a serial monitor.
If you comment it out, it will work without PC connection.
Very much appreciated.
I hope it will be as simple as that
Shall try and let you know.
It will be later today…
Thanks again for the prompt response.
Hey msfujino. Success!! Thank you very much for finding a simple solution so fast! Much appreciated.