I am trying to advertise for 5 seconds then sleep for 1 hour and wakeup the XIAO NRF52 every 1 hour with timer but I can’t find any Low power demo of this board and chip any pointers how should I manage this ?
Hey @msfujino I am having problems with the Arduino IDE because there is XIAO BLE mbed and pure I have advertisement code that already works the way I want it but most of the examples uses blue fruit and other libraries not ArduinoBLE directly so there is no straightforward approach on how to use it is there a guide what version the libraries needs to be for mbed and pure ?
In the ArduinoIDE Board Manager, search for “nRF52” and you will find “Seeed nRF52 mbed-anable Boards” and "Seeed nRF52 Boards”. Install both board support packages. When compiling, you can choose which board you need.
If you choose mbed, you can use ArduinoBLE, if you choose non-mbed, you can use bluefruit.
If you want to reduce the sleep current, you need to use bluefruit.
Thanks for this, I had been wondering why ArduinoBLE was not available in the base nRF52 support. Have you seen anything about sleep setups or improvements for the mbed versions?