Data logger Modbus communication

I try to use senseCAP s2100 Data logger as a modbus converter collect data from my Adam-4051(digital-modbus rtu converter), to lora gateway. however, i am not able to simulate successfully by modbus simulator (usb-rs485 connect data logger A+,A-) , with a 12v power supply. anyone here have experience , i can refer , thanks

Hi there,
WOW, an ADAM … I haven’t seen one of those in a LONG, LONG time…
You got a lot going there, I would verify each stage and be sure the RS-485 polarity is not flipped.
Can you post a PIC of the setup. Also are you certain the lora gateway is properly configured for the stream of modbus data?
If it does work that would be very interesting.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Adam modules were all the rage back in the day , for all sorts of DATA acquisition and conversion. lots of AT 'ish like commands.:+1: