Connect NFC Sheild to UART

I’m having trouble connecting my NFC Shield to PC through UART. Basically I just want to make NFC Shield available to libnfc.

I resoldered SEL1 to GND to force PN532 into UART mode. Then I connected J8 (POWER) and J4 (PC1) to CP2102-based USB-to-UART converter like this:

GND -> J8-2 (GND)
GND -> J8-3 (GND)
+5V -> J8-4 (+5V)
RXD -> J4-5 (MOSI/SDA_)
TXD -> J4-6 (SCL/RX/SS_)

No luck. That’s what nfc-list says in debug mode:

lt-nfc-list: DBG pn532_uart.c:97 lt-nfc-list: Trying to find PN532 device on serial port: /dev/ttyUSB0 at 115200 bauds. lt-nfc-list: DBG uart_posix.c:106 lt-nfc-list: Serial port speed requested to be set to 115200 bauds (86 µs). TX: 55 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 14 01 17 00 lt-nfc-list: DBG uart_posix.c:219 lt-nfc-list: iExpectedByteCount == 6 lt-nfc-list: ERROR: No ACK. lt-nfc-list: DBG uart_posix.c:219 lt-nfc-list: iExpectedByteCount == 9 lt-nfc-list: ERROR: Unable to wakeup the PN532. TX: 00 00 ff 09 f7 d4 00 00 6c 69 62 6e 66 63 be 00 lt-nfc-list: DBG uart_posix.c:219 lt-nfc-list: iExpectedByteCount == 22 lt-nfc-list: ERROR: Unable to receive data. (RX)

Did I miss something?
