Codecraft Assistant under Linux

Hello dear seeed team!

big fan of Grove-products - we are using them a lot in schools to teach students about arduino and making!

We use linux laptops in our workshops and prefer to use the Codecraft / Tinkergen visual programming as it offers a very nice first experience.

The problem we have: we cant get the linux version of the “Codecraft assistant” to work under Ubuntu (tried 22.04 and 24.04 lts versions):

mentor@mentor-flippi:/opt/CodecraftAssistant$ cd /opt/CodecraftAssistant && sudo ./cc-assistant

[0723/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See

Running it with the “–no-sandbox” it does start, but the web site part cant connect, and I always get the “the device assistant is not running…” error.

Any suggestions?
