I have to capture the entire signal and then be able to pan, zoom etc to analyze the signal.
Played around with settings but I can’t capture and analyze the signal as I want, used the function SING for Auto-hold but this seems to cut the signal short. This is probably due to “confused user”.
Which setting would you recommend to capture this signal?
what do you need to misure?
the state of the input bits?
the oscillator frequency)
the Dout word?
where the signal out is connected? rf? ir?
what’s the circuit?
according to the data sheet, the maximum encoder osc frequency is 100Khz, then a t/div not less then 10micros is needed, start with it, and then go up!
the signal output seem to be in the same range of the Vcc, then misure the pins 9/10 (if use a 18 pin ic) or 9/20 (if use a 20 pin ic), and set the DSO V scale to misure this signal.
select single trigger (trig mode), low to up front (tr. kind) , and set the the Vtrig (trg level) beetween 0 and Vcc
according to the data sheet, the signal is repeated 4 time for every TE enable, then if you hold down the TE, it’s repeat the code forever.
locate the code, seem to be simple, the signal (12 bit) is ended with a sync bit that is
4 bit long, with a 1/8 bit ON pulse, then locate the large low space.
if you wiil see sometinghs similar, i’ve inspected a IR signal from a ir command, see the screenshot captured with the old firmware from the last page to the second!!! davidea.it/elettronica/45-va … ml?start=3
I want measure the Dout word so I can use it in a PIC application, but I need to know what’s sent!
Connected to RF, it’s a remote control for home electrical appliance (Everflourish).
OK, I tried the settings but not all of the signal was captured, it was truncated.
I tried the setting Post Trigger function under “Buff Pri” but there seems to be a bug here, almost all (2/3) buffer capacity is before trigger instead of after the trigger as it should be.
Suggestion, in “SING” trigger, put all available buffer capacity after trigger, nothing interesting will happen before.
if you are able to manage with pic, you may write your sw to measure the signal directly with the pic! , i’ll do this!
i’vent problem with buffer priority, perhaps there are a trigger event before?
which t/div do you have used? have tried with higher t/div? if possible capture first the whole signal with an highest t/div , and after inspect a little portion with a lower t/div
how you recognize that not all signal is recorded?
may you post some picture about the signal?
i’ve managed for investigate on a IR signal, first i’ve captured the whole signal, located the data burst, and the pause, after, i’ve inspected the data with a lower t/div, at single bit level , and finally, ’ i’ve lowered again the t/div for evalute the single Ton/Toff of the IR carrier, and measured it, to know that my ir is a 56 Khz carrier
Hello, was away for Christmas but ne I’m back in the saddle.
I thought about writing code for a PIC and use the Interrupt routine but I’m lazy, and since a have a DSO Nano why not try to use it.
Finally I got it to work, played around with time settings, saved a .xml file and opened it in Excel.
I then wrote a small macro in Excel to distinguish High/Low and short/long from each other, worked perfectly.
I wold be very interested in seeing that macro since I have no Excel macro knowledge but would like to experiment with the xml files. Could you attach it here?
No problem, I’m using Office 2007 so I will add both the file Excel with all the imported .xml data from DSO Nano and the included macro + the macro as a .txt file.
For the result, ignore the first and the last, the last is the first pulse in Sync.
Remember that I’m not a programming expert, only for home use.
Hade to delete Button 3’s data to be able to upload!