Can't read data from 4-Channel 16-Bit ADC for Raspberry Pi (ADS1115)

Hi there,
I can’t read data from this 4-chn ADC. Please check the screenshot below. It is Pi 4 ModelB 8G. Thank you very much!

According to the software instructions, after your Install script has executed, you will need to re-install the system.And then you get the data.

That’s exactly what I did.
Install driver -> power off Pi -> install HAT -> power up Pi -> check installation status and read data.
What showed in the screenshot is the result from the last step.
Can this article help you ? @yiy

I added those parameters in the “config.txt” followed the instruction in your link. But it didn’t work. Still can’t read data from the hat.
Also I used the python code from the link “” mentioned in another thread in your forum, it didn’t work either.

Did you test the hat on Pi 4 Rev B version? I am wondering whether it’s compatible with Pi4 Rev B or not. Thank you!

Hi, I have exactly the same problem as yiy - followed the steps from scratch on a fresh (and up-to-date) installation of a raspberry pi 4B [4 GB, Revision 1.1]:
in*_input in the path …/i2c-1/1-0048/ don’t exist …
however, from /sys/class/…/1-0048/iio:device0/in_voltage1_raw (and voltage2,… ) I get some reading, that is different every time i call it, and that changes systematically when I add some defined voltage

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Thanks. Can you provide the full path to the reading?

whithin this path: /sys/devices/platform/soc/*04000.i2c/i2c-1/1-0048/iio:device0/
you can find the different in_voltage#_raw to read out the different inputs; you just need to replace the * for whatever it is in your PI but it always ends with 04000.i2c

as an alternative, i could read out the first input vs ground with code from this link:

but before I had to remove the entry dtoverlay=ads1115 from the /boot/config.txt (or use the uninstall script).
now i do just need to figure out how to read out differentially two other inputs…

something seems to be broken with the device tree not properly building up… i guess this is a problem from the raspberry side? @xian We update the wiki.

Great. Thank you very much!