Hello, I’m using an ESP32-S3 Sense and in my circuit, I’m applying 5 volts to the 5-volt pin to provide power. I notice that when I connect to it via USB cable, I can detect and connect via BLE to the ESP32-S3 Sense without any issues. However, when I supply 5 volts through the 5-volt pin, it doesn’t appear in my BLE scanner. What should I do?
did you try the blink sketch?
i have uploaded my own program. it works fine via usb cable but then, if i provide 5volt via powersupply it doesnt show me the device on the ble scanner. the antenna is connected and i read 5volt on the pin.
is the processor running? this is why i ask have you tried uploading the blink sketch and power by 5v? It could be a !serial thing… but i have heard that you cannot power via 5v… have you tried providing 3v3 instead?
FYI the blink sketch works fine so the 5volt doesnt seems to be an issue
good… look in the code setup for this line…
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
this code like haults execution until the serial monitor connects
this is done so the whole program is not over before the user can connect and see the wonderful glory to behold…
WOW ! the power of the forum. thanks alot !