Hello, Recently I purchase a ReSpeaker USB Mic Array. In my first tests the device does not work properly to echo and noise cancelation (i.e. applied to ASR). After research about this I found the URL ReSpeaker USB Mic Array - Seeed Wiki. Then, I upgraded to 6_channels_firmware.bin whitout problems and the device works like a charm! But, I wanted to have a single channel, so I upgrade to 1_channel_firmware.bin, whitout errors, but the device still have 6 channels, and worse, the first channel returned whitout echo or noise cancelation.
Now, if I change between the firmwares (i.e. 6_channels_firmware.bin or 1_channel_firmware.bin) the device does not get any difference.
Is there a fix for this?
Below is there a figure showing tha I not had any problems to write de firmware on device.
And my chipset is the:
The board is ReSpeaker USB Mic Array v2.1.1, 01/10/2020.